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project:SISV#1468 subproject:Plant Sociology 2013#8
ril & data:GASPARRI R., CASAVECCHIA S., GALIÈ M., BIONDI E., 2011-05-30

AS:Loto tenuis-Agropyretum repentis Biondi, Vagge, Baldoni & Taffetani 1997 VA:Ranunculus sardous AL:Inulo viscosae-Agropyrion repentis Biondi & Allegrezza 1996 OR:Agropyretalia repentis Oberd., Th. Müller & Görs in Oberdorfer & al. 1967 CL:Artemisietea vulgaris Lohmeyer, Preising. & Tüxen ex V. Rochow 1951 [actual]

ora (arrivo,inizio,fine), ,
rif biblio, tavola, numero: Plant Sociology 50(1): 109-119 [2013] GASPARRI R., CASAVECCHIA S., GALIÈ M., BIONDI E. -- The restoration of the wetlands with standing waters constituting the habitat of the Italian green toad (Bufo balearicus Boettger, 1880)., 5, 1
note originali:
note:Coordinate: 43°28' N 13°37' E (reference system: GAUSS-BOAGA Roma 1940 Est Zone)
località:Right side of the River Musone at Lido Azzurro (Numana)
town:Numana, Ancona, Marche, Italia
protected area: (none) grids:  
coordinate:null,null altitude:4m s.l.m.
esposizione:° inclinazione:°
area:80 forma:square (,)
copertura:100 scala abbondanza:braun-blanquet-2

0::unico nullm, copertura: %

+ Bellevalia romana (L.) Sweet

1 Bellis perennis L.

+ Bromus erectus Huds.

3 Dactylis glomerata L.

1 Daucus carota L.

1 Dipsacus fullonum L.

+ Galega officinalis L.

3 Lolium perenne L.

4 Lotus tenuis Waldst. et Kit. ex Willd.

1 Medicago hispida Gaertn., nom. illeg.

+ Mentha pulegium L.

1 Picris echioides L. [bas.]

2 Picris hieracioides L.

1 Plantago lanceolata L.

1 Plantago major L.

2 Poa trivialis L.

+ Rubus ulmifolius Schott

3 Trifolium repens L.

1 Ranunculus sardous Crantz

1 Cichorium intybus L.

+ Agropyron repens (L.) P. Beauv.