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Links to Actaplantarun e museoscienze
"Details of species" page improved
Uniform appearance for details of species, plots and specimens.
new function: check for errors in a list of species
link to Acta Plantarum in specie search
Fixed bug: can't upload photo.
Fixed bug: after a "remove sociability" operation all scales becomes "Braun-Blanquet"
Patch for a very serious bug in vegetation export (species non exported in some plots)
Is possible to choose more headers for table of plots
Is possible to choose the way to treat doubt species in the tables of plots.
Now is possible to exclude species author names in export of table of plots.
Fixed a bug that prevents display of the table of plots.
Is now possible to include ids in the report "Species table with synonims".
Bug in vegetation game: "out of bounds" at every question after the end of the first game
Improvements in "Sample table (descriptions)" export
Improved session object (GIS search, loan request...) representation in menu
Global DB/GIS function is now active with species and places suggestions
menus appears over the GIS panel
Insertion in simulation mode simulates attribute insertion
corrections to the gml/kml export function of the gis page
It can store maximum and minimum height of the levels
Users can reset the password
Added user profile
Added "Who is next to us?" game
Support for Extended attribute
A bug prevented the inclusion of names of families in the tables of vegetation.
The details page of the vegetation shows an error message if it can't find the plot (this is the case of some old links).
Bug in visualization of table with no species (access rights)
Bug in the conversion from percentage to Braun-Blanquet of very low values (<0.01)
new downloads page
V 5
Error in visualization of species name in plot details.
V 5rc1
Same fields in table headers and table description (export section).
the database rejects duplicate names of species
New fields in Sample table export
GIS section is active!
New field in "Sample table (descriptions)": "Temp community name"
Limited access plots does not shows the species.
Fixed bug: the vegetation tree improperly shows (only) the name of hidden plots.
V 5β2
Can build tables with names and synonyms.
Fixed bug: a second search for the same plot will produce a list with 2 times the same plot.
Fixed bug: can't do search for specimen or plot with only one search parameter.
Links (if availables) are presents in each details page.
Can generate check-lists only with accepted names.
Fixed regression: "equivalent species" is again an option.
Maps works properly in Chrome and Safari.
V 5β
Regression fixed: login available inside each page
What's new page has replaced old changelog
New management of changelog file: maintained in memory and shown also (partially) in home page
The old-fashioned map system again active with some corrections (ie: can search in all herbaria/projects)
New abundance scale management system for plot
Fixed bug that prevented the search for plot according to the species
Faster build of species details page
V 5α
Basic geographic search (disabled by default)
Possibile la rimozione dei links
All'inserimento di una immagine vengono create le miniature
Nuovi dati geografici, adesso vengono registrate soltanto informazioni in WGS84 e la precisione del dato